sara`s blogs

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Hi! I am changing my topic of the teen life project to eating disorders but specially Bulimia.
The real “name” is Bulimia nervosa many people suffer of bulimia seek out of binge, this people that suffer with these, they will eat a lot of food in a very short time and then they start taking laxatives or self-induced vomiting, they do this because they feel that they are fat and they are not comfortable with their bodies or maybe someone is telling to that person that is fat or something like that, but they are many different reasons to be a bulimic. They also do this to say how they feel about themselves, or how they feel over an event or series of event in their lives. This people suffering of bulimia may beging like to let out your feelings of anger, depression, stress or anxiety.

People that suffer of bulimia are aware that they have an eating disorder. Some of the different behavoir signs are: To eat a lot of rapid food and then take a laxatives or self- induced vomiting, also when you feel that you loose control over your eating behaviors, also to do a diet plan and a lot of exercise that are very strict, an to drink laxatives, diuretics or diet pills.
It is important that you know that what makes a person bulimic, is not the purging, but the cycle of binging and purging. Purging is used by taking laxatives or self-inducing vomiting, but they are other bulimics that use others inappropriate behavoirs such as a lot! of exercise, to burn off the calories of a binge, or fasting day following a binge. Is usual for a man or women that suffer of bulimia to take diet pills to keep from binging, or to use duiretics to try to lose weight. A person suffering of bulimia would hide the food for later binges, and then they would eat them very secretly and this a affect a lot their weight.

Anorexia and Bulimia have their similarities, the both is an illness. Normally this eating disorder occurs when you abuse of the sexual or physical and emotional relation that you have. Also they start being Anorexic and a Bulimic because that person suffer of depression, so that person have to go to a special hospital to help to control their depression. This depression can be the cause of your eating disorder. People that suffer of this have an obsession with this because they whant to lose their weight.

I think that my new topic is very interesting because I would know why does people do this what are there reasons to be a bulimic. Bulimia is a very curious thing to research, there are some people that doesn’t care to much of this but this is a very important thing that people shuold look out.

I want to expand my research of bulimia in what are the reason people do this like their depression and all there emotional reasons.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I want to expand my research of the teen life project on nicotine, I want to do this because I am interesting what is nicotine what is so bad and what does it effect, and all about nicotine.
Nicotine is a very bad chemical that makes smokers addictive that smoker has been used for thousand of year. People smoke or chewed the tobacco leaves or Nicotiana tabacum.
Tobacco was first found and cultivated in the Americas, because of the discovery and colonization of North and South America, the tobacco plant was exported to Europe and to the rest of the world. Tobacco was supposed to be protective against the ravages of the plague.
Nicotine is a naturally occurring liquid alkaloid, an alkaloid is an organic compound made out of carbon, nitrogen, and sometimes oxygen. These chemicals have a lot of effects on the human body, an example that makes you addictive to the coffee is caffeine, is the same, what makes you addictive to the substance that have nicotine is that liquid alkaloid. Nicotine is make about five percent of tobacco plant. Cigarettes contain eight to twenty milligrams (mg) of nicotine, but only one milligram is actually absorbed by your body when you smoke a cigarette.

When nicotine gets to your body it gets through your skin, lungs, and mucous membranes. Nicotine moves into the small blood vessels that are near the tissues that are above, from there the nicotine travels through your bloodstream to the brain, and then it goes to the rest of your body. The most common way to get nicotine and other drugs into your bloodstream is through inhalation; by smoking it, your lungs have a lot of alveoli, which are tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs. These alveoli provide huge surface areas that are ninety times greater than that of your skin, and this provide for access to nicotine and other compounds. When nicotine gets to your bloodstream and start to flow immediately it goes to your brain. Nicotine takes a lot of different actions throughout your body what it does to your brain is responsible for both the good feelings you get from smoking, as well as the irritability you feel if you try to quit. Nicotine doesn’t stick around your body for too long.

Here is the process by wich how nicotine gets rid of your body:

· About eighty percent of nicotine is broken down to cotinine by enzymes in your liver.
· Nicotine is metabolized in your lungs to cotinine and nicotine oxide.
· Cotinine and other metabolized can be in your urine.
· The nicotine that is left from your blood goes to your kidney and then your urine is affected.

I think that nicotine is a very interesting thing to research. I was interesting on doing this because I am curious of how does the nicotine works on your body what effects do. I hope you like my research. Know I want to expand my research on what are teens start smoking what are there resons.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


The issue that I want to specialized in my teen life project is about smoking.

Smoking is very bad for humans, it causes cancer, emphysema that are problems to breathe, and heart disease. Smoking can short your life by 14 years or more, but people that get this habit becomes a person addict to smoke, this addiction is very difficult to get out. Once you start, it’s had to stop, because a cigarette contains nicotine, whi is highly addictive, Like heroin or others addictive drugs, the body and your mind become used to the nicotine that a person need to have it just to feel normal. Smoker doesn’t begins as an adult, some statistics show that tobacco users start before they’re 18 years old. They are some teenagers that say that they start smoking because they think it helps them look older, others teen smoke because they think it helps them relax, (when you smoke your heart beats more faster). Others start smoking because their friends start smoking.

Some people specially girls start smoking because they think it may help keep their weight down. Smoking illness like Cancer or lung diseases, cause weight loss, but his is not a good way to loss weight. Also other reasons why people smoke is because their family smoke.
There are not reasons to start smoking, because your body doesn’t need tobacco, your body needs food, water, sleep, and exercise. The chemical that the cigarettes have are lot but the most powerful and addictive is the nicotine and the cyanide, these chemicals are poisons that can kill you in a very high dose. When you take the first taste of the cigarette you feel like your throat and lungs are burning, and some people feel sick or throw up the first few times they taste it. Over the long time they are smoking they develop health problems like cancer, emphysema, organ damage and heart disease. Each time a smoker start smoking that cigarette takes about five to twenty minutes off the person’s life.

Smokers develop yellow teeth, and loose bones density and when this happens it creates a illness called osteoporosis that causes that your bones break more easily. Smokers becomes less active than people that doesn’t smoke because smoke affect lungs power. Smoking can also cause fertility problems in men and women and can cause problem in the sexual health in males.
Nicotine and other toxins can cause the following problems:
Bad breath: Cigarettes leave smokers something called halitosis, or bad breath.
it's hard to get the smell of smoke out.
Greater risk of injury and slower healing time: Sports injuries, can cause damage to tendons and ligaments. Smoking Is Expensive
Smoking is expensive. Smoking not only damage health, it cost a lot of money.

I think that smoking is a very important issue that the world have to carry about. I am doing this resaerch about smoking because I thing that smoke stinks I hate the smell of the cigarette and also I don't like it because when you smell it second - hand smoking happen and is the same has if you were smokin, so I think that smoking should be illegal in all the world, because when you are near a cigarette they are invading your privacy of to smell sopmething good like your enviroment. I hope you like my research.

I want to expand my reserch on why does teen start smoking?

Friday, February 02, 2007


Someone of the teen life wiki asked a question that says what we use for transportation. The person that asked this question is Randy from Mr. Fisher class, so I think that I have the answer.

Here in Cartagena people in general uses as a mean of transportation buses or Taxis, motorcycle, bicycle (saometimes), and they are creating a new project of articulated buses, and obviously we use cars. As I say already on my introduction on my blog here in Colombia, Cartagena mostly of all the people are very poor, so they walk or they take the bus, but some people that live on county that are going to other county some buses doesn't pass in there so they on horses or donkeys. Another way that we have of transportation is like cart with a horse in there. So the horse pull the cart and people sit on the cart.

Here in cartagena thy are trying to continue improving the way of transportation.