sara`s blogs

Friday, March 02, 2007


Hi! I decided to change again my topic of the teen life project to school life. If you search on the web page of my school you can see how it is and the things that it have.

School life is very different in many parts of the world, there are school that are private and other are public, for example here in Cartagena are a lot of public school and normally the people that goes to that school are poor people, but here are little private school one example of private school is our school. Here in Cojowa ( Colegio Jorge Washington) is a school were girls and boys go to the same school, for example here in Cartagena is a school that one is for girls and the other one is for boys, but they are in the same school the only different is that it is spilt in two.

Usually school start at 7:oo a.m. and finish in afternoon. Normally a school is divided in to three sections, the first one is elementary ( from first grade to fith grade), then, middle school ( from sixth grade to eight grade), and finally high school ( from nine grade to twelve grade). On school normally their are two recess. Also school do final exams, almost every school have a locker for each person, and also some school have extracurricular things like sports and more things, also we have the same subjects and all, every school have a dean and the principal. Also a school have a library a cafeteria; in where they sell food and all kind of stuff, obviously a school have a park where little kids plays, and some school have a soccer field and basketball field, and a volleyball and ect.

If you ask any children or teenege, what do they think about school, they would tell you that school sucks and that is very boring, is very extrange that someone tells youthat he or she love the school, childrens allways complains in school about everything like why does put us so much home work and things like that, that is the negative things that a children would tell you about the school, but if you ask them the positive things they would tell you that school is a great experience that in the school you have yor friend of all your life, and that they would missed a lot the school and specially your friends, and also they would say that thanks of school you would have a job.
I think that this new topic is very interesting, because it helps you learn more about the life in the school. I like this topic because you can tell your experience about the life that you on your school, and see the differences of other school and how is there life, and to know how does they feel about school and what do thy think?

I want to expand my research on bullies, because I want o know how does they look like why do they do?. I think that this is important because all the school of all the world have bullies, and this affect a lot on school and in all the world.


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